This post was so helpful! I get my hair highlighted every 3 months but I'm starting to have more greys than I'd like and find just highlighting can't handle it anymore haha. My hair is also getting too light and was considering trying to dye it myself for the first time. Seems like semi permanent might be a good first attempt since it will eventually wash out if i don't like it.

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Ah I’m so glad. I think the general rule is that dying it darker or the same at home is ok but lighter can be a bit trickier! Xx

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OMG I just tried to order the toner kit until I realized they ship only to the UK! NOOOOOOOO!!! I live in the US…In Ohio. Please tell me you know of a solution. This is not okay.

Btw I love this post! Thanks so much for sharing!! 😁

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The shrine ones? I can see them on Amazon us? Xx

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Thanks for the info! I wanted to leave a quick warning for anyone using Garnier Olia...I just used "dark brown" and my hair came out BLACK. So...proceed with caution, and maybe go with a lighter color than you think you need!

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Over the years, every hair dresser has advised me that if you do want to use a home dye kit, always choose a shade lighter (or I've found even two shades lighter) than you would think, as they always come out much darker.

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yes I think thats the one i used and it made it darker instead of lighter and ive got brown hair for the 1st time in my life 😭

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I personally prefer that, just as at home dyes fair quicker, but totally get that not everyone does! So excellent warning!

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Thank you for this review. This has really helped me decide which one to try, having had several past home dye disasters. I've always overlooked Josh Wood while looking in shops (not sure why) but having read your reviews and spent time looking through the website, I'm going to give it a try. My greys are mostly at the sides by my ears, so really obvious when I tie my hair up and a few scattered on top. I'll try lightest brown with champagne shade shot. I'll let you know how it goes. Thank you 😊

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Oh good luck! I'm very messy and not great at this stuff either but I found it so easy to use! let me know how it goes. xx

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i am naturally a dark blonde and bought a dye kit to lighten my hair and it came out darker instead what did i do wrong

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That's very strange! Which one did you buy? xx

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Hair dye beauty crisis unfurling! I work with the public and was told by a venomous older lady yesterday that I should enjoy my dyed black hair 'while I'm still young' because once I'm over 50 it will make me look exceptionally haggard! She went into great detail about how 'your haggard, aged skin will look even more aged'. Lucky me. I'm actually 40 already, I told her, so I can't wait to look terrifyingly inappropriate quite soon. I felt better for being smilingly offensive but have been nursing the wound ever since. I have tried so many hair colours (cherry red, platinum, hot pink, rose pink- no stress as I have a pixie cut) but black is my favourite, and yes I have plenty of greys to hide. I was feeling really saucy and hot until that encounter, but now I have been shaken. I want to cite Dita von Teese in my defense, but I'm a plus size librarian on a budget, so am I just lying to myself that it looks good? Or should I stay hardcore black hair dye FTW? I am hoping for the latter, but Anita if you read this, any input from a knowledgeable and very cool stranger would be welcome.

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This post was for sure one of the best I've read in years, and I have already had a great blog. Awesome. Never stop your writing!

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I know I'm very late but I feel like I have something to add. I have naturally very black asian hair, and I've been using the no bleach london permanent red hair dye since it came out and it's genuienly the best hair dye I've ever used. You literally just put it on your hair without needing to bleach or lighten it beforehand and it comes out so vibrant. I also wash my hair with really hot water regularly and the red has not disappeared,only slightly faded to a more brownish red. It's not meant for hair that's undergone any kind of bleaching though, some of my ends went through a lot of bleaching and the colour will not stick to it, but on my roots it's perfect. There's no noticeable damage either.

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I'm also late to the party, but had to leave a post regarding my very positive experience of switching from salon colouring to home box colouring...

I think I had listened to way too many horror stories about home colouring, most of them from my former hairdresser unsurprisingly!

I'm 100 per cent a box colour convert now.

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I have a lot of grey hair now, but not nice grey... Was dark brown originally, so had highlights for years to blend in the grey.

Then my hair dresser talked me into a full colour, BIG mistake! It was way too light and started costing me a fortune to maintain, not good!

Hair dresser then closed down, I was now stuck with brassy lengths, and horrible roots that seemed to grow like wildfire.

On a whim I decided to try a box dye, and went for N&E dark blonde, it was a tense 30 minutes waiting for the dye to process, but WOW! RESULT! My lengths were exactly as shown on the box, and my roots a shade darker with what looked like highlights because of my grey hairs.

I now spend around a fiver every six to eight weeks instead of £100 every time. Maybe I just got lucky, but I love it and it looks unbelievably natural.

Obviously I still have to have my hair cut in a salon, but I'm done with salon colouring, period!

Best leap of faith I've taken in years!

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I’ve used the Garnier Olia but it only lasts one to two washes even though it says permanent. Also I find everytime I dye my hair with box hair dye it’s leaving my roots orange why?

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