Anita, I love your idea for an aging plan!

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Happy 40th birthday! It’s a great age for a woman: yes, your skin might not be quite as it used to, but your confidence in your abilities and your discovery of who you are and what you like certainly make up for it. An ageing plan sounds like a thoughtful way to ease into this period and filling your feed with women your age or older makes you feel less lonely in your journey into midlife. As I hit my mid-forties, my mantra is ‘do what you like and do it often’ - that’s what keeps you young inside.

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Happy evolution day and yay for celebrating in pure British style ;)

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Yes! This line resonated with us so much: "Getting older is natural, but we’ve been conditioned to ‘battle’ it with every pound we have, from an increasingly young age."

We shared an article on our co-founder's similar experience a couple of weeks ago because this is not talked about enough! She, too, mentioned being more confident as she's evolved.

Thank you for sharing your perspective, and happy birthday!

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